The Portland Workforce Alliance offers many ways for you to support the next generation and develop our future workforce. Together, we can engage all students to graduate and make informed, inspired career choices after high school or college.

Please contact us if you'd like to learn more about year-round volunteering options for you or your colleagues, or be added to the volunteer list to receive opportunities straight your inbox.


Why volunteer?

Help Oregon schools: Did you know Oregon has one of the nation's lowest graduation rates, and a below-average college completion rate?

Support young people: Whether students are thriving or struggling in school, most need assistance developing their confidence and oral communication skills.

Give back to your community: Help students learn best practices for job search, networking, and interview/resume skill building.

Rejuvenate: Many professionals have volunteered at the Expo for many years. It’s an energizing day and a great opportunity to connect with young people who are full of potential.


Participate in the Expo

The annual NW Youth Careers Expo is held each spring. This year, we are returning to in-person at the Oregon Convention Center. This career-education event attracts more than 6,500 students from high schools in Oregon and Southwest Washington. We invite your company to be an exhibitor or a sponsor of this premier business/education partnership and help you develop the 'pipeline' of talent for your future workforce needs.


Host a Career Day

PWA will help you to organize a career day that engages a group of students at your office or work site. Tours of offices, agencies and plants allow students to see and 'touch' the work in ways that are not possible in the classroom. They also allow employers to showcase the variety of jobs within their companies and the skills required to run a successful business. Download this helpful brochure: How to Host a Career Day.  Time commitment: 3-4 hours.


Give a Classroom Presentation

Talk with students about your job, the skills needed to be successful and your own career path. Many students are unaware of the vast array of job opportunities; classroom presentations help them to make better decisions about their future. Time commitment: 1 hour


Offer a Job Shadow

Give a student an inside look at your job and the work environment by allowing them to "shadow" you at your workplace. Time commitment: 2-4 hours.

Are you a student who participated in a career day and interested in getting connected to job shadow at the employer? Contact us.



Offer an Internship

Internships help students understand the work environment and the importance of personal responsibility. They also help students observe how employees work in teams, solve problems and communicate with one another. Internships can be paid or unpaid and vary in length from one month to several months.


Volunteer for Mock Interviews

Help students practice their interviewing skills before their first "real" job interview. These mock interviews also can be an opportunity to give students feedback on their resumes and interpersonal skills.


Become a Donor or Sponsor

PWA has a small staff with low overhead. We rely heavily on our volunteers, donors and sponsors to support our year-round work with students. Consider making an individual donation today or becoming a sponsor of our annual NW Youth Careers Expo. Contact us to learn about other sponsorship opportunities.



Get Involved

Support PWA & Career Education

Together, we can engage all students to graduate and make more informed, inspired career choices after high school or college.
