Fast facts on arts & communication jobs:
- There are hundreds of jobs in cinema that support actors and directors.
- Multimedia journalists who can create unique content and engage on social media are in high demand.
- Advertising agencies ($91,342), public relations agencies ($78,271) and media buying agencies ($103,367) stand out for high average pay.
Dig Deeper:
- Take a quiz to see which career in print media could be a fit for you.
- Explore the American Press Institute’s student journalism resources, including journalism essentials, creating a classroom newspaper, press freedom in practice and more.
- Share what you learned with your peers on social media by using the hashtag #PWAExpo2Go
Leading employers in arts & communication:
The Oregonian/ Oregon Live: Leading regional news source and publisher of The Oregonian/OregonLive, the Portland-based company serves readers and advertisers on print, digital and mobile platforms. Offers a week-long summer residential program in Corvallis, the High School Journalism Institute. Career Day host.
Wieden+Kennedy: Ad agency best known for its work with Nike. One of the largest independently owned advertising agencies, with headquarters in Portland and seven offices around the world. Career Day host.
Leading college options in arts & communication:
Portland Community College: Oregon’s largest postsecondary institution, with multiple locations. Programs in arts & communication include graphic design, multimedia, music, theater arts, communication studies, journalism, and more.
Mt. Hood Community College: Community college located in Gresham, Oregon offering more than 120 professional and technical programs. Programs in visual arts, painting, design & drawing, integrated media, journalism, and more.
Index of additional employers and postsecondary partners**:
Phagans School of Hair Design: Programs in hair design, esthetics, nail technology, barbering, and more. Click here for more information or book a tour. Watch: Why Choose Beauty & Phagans Virtual Tour
** Recent participating exhibitors in the NW Youth Careers Expo.