Come with us on the official photo tour of the 12th annual NW Youth Careers Expo on Feb. 24, 2016. This career-education event attracted about 6,500 students from 75+ high schools throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.


  • Expo 2016:  Oregon Convention Center
    Expo 2016: Oregon Convention Center
  • Expo 2016: Here they come!
    Expo 2016: Here they come!
  • Expo 2016: Big turnout
    Expo 2016: Big turnout

We were happy to have a record 161 exhibitors this year, given the strong demand from high schools. Our exhibitors included about 100 of the region’s top employers, as well as colleges, apprenticeship training centers and universities.


  • Expo 2016
    Expo 2016
  • Expo 2016
    Expo 2016

After getting our bearings, we started out in the Technology Zone. Our expanded tech zone included many new exhibitors. SEE MORE TECH PHOTOS HERE.


  • Expo 2016
    Expo 2016
  • Expo 2016
    Expo 2016

Next, we explored the Health Care Zone. Health care is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the Oregon economy, so we took our time. SEE MORE HEALTH PHOTOS HERE.


Then we ventured into the Construction Zone, a world unto itself with about three dozen exhibitors. SEE MORE CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS HERE.


  • Mock interviews, Expo 2016
    Mock interviews, Expo 2016
  • Mock interviews, Expo 2016
    Mock interviews, Expo 2016

After that, it was time for mock interviews. More than 1,750 students had one-on-one mock job interviews this year, thanks to the stellar volunteer outreach by the Portland HR Management Association, one of our sponsors. SEE MORE MOCK INTERVIEW PHOTOS HERE.


  • Expo 2016: Gunderson
    Expo 2016: Gunderson
  • Expo 2016: Port of Portland
    Expo 2016: Port of Portland

Then we dove back into the Expo and checked out some manufacturing, transportation and energy exhibitors, along with the bomb squad at the Port of Portland. Gunderson’s welding demonstration is always a big hit. SEE MORE PHOTOS HERE.


  • Expo 2016: Nike
    Expo 2016: Nike
  • Expo 2016: Wieden+Kennedy
    Expo 2016: Wieden+Kennedy

We ventured onward to the Nike and Wieden+Kennedy exhibits.  Finally, we wrapped up the day with an eclectic mix of the inspiring, informative and unexpected. A career in public safety? The military? TV and film? The possibilities feel endless, which is what we love most about the Expo. SEE MORE PHOTOS HERE.

Additional reading:


Note: Many of these photographs were taken for PWA by Kim Blau Photography. A few are snapshots by PWA staff. Kindly use only with permission, please.

Expo 2016: Photo Gallery