Andre Goodlow has served on the Portland Workforce Alliance board of directors since 2016, bringing his expertise in K-12 education and his enthusiasm for helping young people.
PWA welcomes new leaders for 2020-21
The board of directors of the Portland Workforce Alliance affirmed five officers and elected eight new board members at its final meeting of the 2019-20 school year.
New PWA Board Members Share Inspiration
From our first jobs as teenagers and throughout our entire professional careers, we’re constantly learning and growing. Hear from Portland Workforce Alliance’s newest board members about their first jobs, early life lessons and career advice.
Meet a PWA Board Member: Janet Rodriguez
Janet Rodriguez got involved with Portland Workforce Alliance as a volunteer mock interviewer five years ago. Now she hopes to build on that experience as a new PWA board member.
PWA board elects new officers, board members for 2017-18
The PWA board of directors elected seven new board members and a fresh slate of officers to lead the nonprofit organization in 2017-18.